
Painters Darwin

Looking to give your home a fresh new look and touch up the paint to your building? McAuliffe Painting is here to help! Our team of professional Rope Access Painters can take on any commercial Hi-Rise painting job, no matter the size.

Commercial Painting

Commercial painting is generally a lot more difficult than your standard house painting project. Given the fact that most building exteriors have a vastly different surface than a regular two storey home, the painting techniques and equipment needed are not your every day painting supplies.

Our team at McAuliffe Painting are experienced in commercial painting and are well versed in painting at great heights, with abseiling and rope access tickets among some of the requirements all members of our team are required to hold. 

It is also imperative that business runs as normal during the project. The last thing you need is to have to shut down operations for weeks just so your building can get a facelift. At McAuliffe Painting, we understand these factors and do everything in our power to ensure that the painting project causes as little disruption as possible.

Why Clients Choose Us?


Award Winning

Excellence Guaranteed

A team you can rely on

Should you have any questions or queries regarding any of the services that we offer, please feel free to contact us.

In Darwin and need some painting work done? Contact McAuliffe Painting today!

No job is beyond us. We will handle any project that comes our way, and we will do it in the most professional manner possible. Make sure you are getting the best quality painting available for your next project and contact us today.

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McAuliffe Painting